Issue:  GSP credentials are termed invalid/ user wants to change GSP credentials 

Why does this happen?
1. The GSP credentials entered by the user in the MBB app are different than the ones configured in the GSP portal.

2. The user might have changed the GSP credentials after they entered them in the MBB app
3. Make sure that the user's GSP credentials do not have special characters at the beginning or at the end (i.e. @anmoljpl_API_mat, anmoljpl1234@, are not allowed)



The user can change the GSP credentials configured in the MBB app through the Android app. If the user is already using the Android app then we can ask the user to go to More > Invoice settings > E-invoicing & E-way billing, and change the GSP credentials from there

Webapp/Offline desktop app: 

If the user is already using the Android app along with the web/desktop apps, then we can ask the user to use the same steps as the Android app to update the GSP credentials.
If not, then we might ask the user to download the Android app to do the same.
In case that the user doesn't agree to download the Android app, the CS agent can reach out to the QA team for GSP credentials updation, but this should be used only as a last resort since the turnaround time would be higher here. 

Mastersindia security policy does not allow special characters in the beginning and the end of GSP usernames and passwords.


The user has set their GST username as @anmoljpl

While generating GSP credentials through the e-way bill portal, the username is added as a mandatory prefix to the generated username. This violated the MastersIndia security policy and thus the GSP username credentials were always saved as '@anmoljpl_API_mat' instead of @anmoljpl_API_mat

The workaround here is that we generated separate GSP credentials through the E-invoicing portal. Here the prefix added is API_ thus no special characters result in the beginning of the user’s GSP username.

We should let the user know that they can make GSP usernames and passwords that should NOT have special characters either at the beginning or the end.